A very important first step is to go see a doctor and get tested. Even though we share similar symptoms, the cause could be entirely different, so my advice might not be very helpful. When I went to a gastroenterologist, I didn't get any answers from my tests- everything seemed to be working fine. HOWEVER this might not be the case for you- perhaps there is a clear problem that needs fixing. It's best for you to get your stool examined, blood tests done, and have a colonoscopy. You could have a number of things. Perhaps parasites, dysbiosis, SIBO, candida overgrowth to name some possible causes.
However, if after the doctor's appointment you still don't have answers,I agree that changing your eating habits could be a great help to you. DEFINITELY remove all junk food. You should also strongly consider taking out dairy, soy, gluten, beans, and processed foods in general. It's important to keep in mind that many people don't see an immediate effect with their diet- I've heard it can take anywhere from three months to a year to see any real change. And you MUST be strict with it- no cheat snacks or anything, try your best to stick to it (but make sure you're getting enough nutrients- the last thing you want to do is sacrifice your health on a quest to smell purty).
Continue taking probiotics (bifidobacterium and acidophilus are two strains that you might find particularly beneficial- make sure there is at least 1 billion live bacteria per capsule). Here's a question for you: do you have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome)or hemorrhoids? I ask this simply out of curiosity as I have the same issue as you and have both of those things- wonder if there might be a connection?