Diabetes and Depression
Getting Depressed-Check Out Your
Sugar Level
International Diabetic foundation meeting held at Geneva estimated that around 189 million people in the world suffer from Diabetes. Most of the complications of diabetes are well known among the general population .
Sugar level monitoring, diet control, neurovascular status examination all is vital for proper control and management. Among the complication of diabetes relatively less noticed is depression. Research studies and experts in the field endocrinology suggests that diabetes and
Depression are having close connection. If you are having diabetes there are greater chances of
Depression and the opposite also holds true.
Miranda T. Schram and colleagues screened 17 years of research papers to find out the association between diabetes and depression,their finding revealed certain noteworthy thoughts. Miranda recommended that
Depression may affect quality of life in diabetes patients and poorer quality is often associated with decreased lifespan, so all the complications in diabetes may have been exaggerated due to the depression that was in turn creating a heavy toll on patients health and life. Diabetic patients with depression may have more complications than patients having only diabetes.
Depression in diabetic patients may result in decreased self awareness and self care,poor care causes decreased
Sugar level monitoring and poor medical instruction follow up. Screening for depression along with other complications of diabetes is of utmost importance to decrease the casualties associated with diabetes.
National Insitute Of Mental Health suggests that feeling worthless, tired,loss of appetite,lack of interest in activities that includes intercourse might be signs of depression.Depressive behavior in diabetic patients can be managed wisely by psychotherapy and talk therapy.
American Diabetic association notices that early referral of the diabetic patient with depression is of prime importance. Unnecessary wastage of time searching for help should be avoided. Local American Diabetic Associations can be an ideal center for availing services of counselors who have worked with diabetic patients. Diabetic patients should be discussing their problems with family physicians than keep it to themselves .
Maria Collazo-Clavell M.D. Endocrinologist Mayo Clinic explains the relationship between diabetes and depression. She notices the following points
1.Depression and Diabetes- Uncontrolled depression puts an individual at risk for development of Type 2 Diabetes.
2.Diabetes and Depression- Diabetes management require a lot of diligence from the side of the patient. Diabetes can result in multiple complications and affect the cardiovascular status of the patient making the patient prone for depression.
3.Lifestyle Management- Simple steps like alcohol control, diet regulation following a scheduled exercise program helps to reduce the harsh effects of depression.
4.Psychotherapy- Interventions like Cognitive Behavioral therapy relieves the diabetic patient of depression.
In a nut shell Depression and Diabetes are like twins born at the same time and came out of the mother’s womb together , can’t answer who came first but both are related, Stress can lead to diabetes and diabetes can result in stress. Healthy life choices, Proper sugar monitoring ,Cognitive Behavioural therapy,Counselling ,blood sugar monitoring plays a vital role in managing diabetic depression.
Republished with permission from Bibin Prasannan
This article first appeared on word press.