"Overuse of
Antibiotics may disrupt the delicate balance of the skin microflora leaving the skin susceptible to pathogens previously kept at bay by the existing microbiota. Skin microbes may directly benefit the host and only rarely exhibit pathogenicity.
At present, S. aureus infections are treated with
Antibiotics . Unfortunately, there has been a dramatic rise in antibiotic-resistant strains, including methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA).
Extracellular enzymes secreted by S. aureus that may contribute to tissue damage include proteases, lipases, hyaluronidase and collagenase."
Well, S. aureus has exfoliative toxins that cause scalded skin syndrome. Anyway, the bacteria may be the cause of your EC. However, problem with immune system may be the cause of the bacteria...so you probably need to address both the bacteria infection AND your immune system. I am guilty of the following causes of decreased immune system function below: Stress; Sugar; Interrupted Sleep; and Lack of Exercise. I wonder if people's lips improved while on vacation because there was no stress, which increased immune system function.
"MRSA is everywhere, including the surfaces you touch and the soil you garden in. How many times do you touch a gas pump, an ATM machine, money and countless surfaces in the store, at the post office and in your office without having access to soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer afterwards? You simply can't wash your hands after every possible exposure. That's where a healthy immune system comes into play.
One of the biggest threats to your immune system is stress. Stress alters the way your sympathetic nervous system and endocrine system works, which ultimately impairs immune function. Stress increases rates of infection. Clearly, reducing stress is the key that unlocks the door to a strong immune system. Good stress-reduction techniques include meditation and yoga. You can also purchase an aromatherapy diffuser and fill it with lavender essential oil, which has relaxing properties. Or simply keep the lavender essential oil bottle on your desk and sniff it when you're under stress.
Sleeping less than seven hours per night also can decrease your immune system's bacterial-destroying power. People who were dissatisfied with the way they were sleeping had lower numbers and poorer functioning of immune cells. If you can't sleep, make sure your doctor tests you for sleep apnea, a major cause of insomnia that can be treated with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.
Another immune booster is exercise.
A low-sugar diet also is critical in keeping the immune system strong.
A good supplemental solution for long-term immune support is medicinal mushrooms. Part of the reason why CA-MRSA is especially dangerous is because the bacteria have the ability to sidestep the killing activity of immune cells known as polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Many medicinal mushrooms such as Ganoderma lucidum and maitake give the human immune response a boost by improving the function of human polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Medicinal mushrooms enhance the neutrophil's ability to engulf and destroy foreign invaders such as bacteria. In a cell culture study, Ganoderma also has blocked the growth of MRSA and other bacteria.
Topically, orange essential oil has blocked MRSA growth in several studies. Based on these studies, putting a few drops of orange essential oil into your hand lotion every day could protect against exposure."