Suicide now takes more American lives each year than war, murder, and natural disasters combined. However, these are the people whose death wish was conscious. How about the people who subconsciously want to go over to the other side? Their desire to end the emotional pain and disappointment of this life may be very strong especially because their subconscious knows the wonderful nature of the other side. We call it heaven. Since the major religions admit that there is no hell, the other side is just heaven. Of course there are major discouragements to suicide from every religion every philosophy. We know that if we kill ourselves, we will be looked down upon, disgraced. Is it possible that there is a sure way out that will allow us to maintain our image? A way that at least in the beginning would be easy to start? How about a disease that is already in all of our bodies that just needs to have its control mechanisms tampered with? A disease that tends to “run away” with itself. Our subconscious has complete control of our healing. Starting cancer is easy for our subconscious. One way to tell if you have cancer in order to get to the other side is to look at who you are trusting to cure your cancer. If you are trusting conventional medicine which has a known, horrible success rate, it may be that you do not want to be saved. Nothing definitive there. However, if you are trying alternatives first, then you most likely really want to be cured. Unfortunately, you will have to fight your friends and relatives to be allowed to do alternatives first. If you are currently engaged in this fight, inform these well meaning people about the studies that have shown that chemo breaks up tumors without killing all the cells and thereby spreads cancer throughout the body. Tell them that the number one cause of cancer mortality is medical radiation. When someone tries to get you to use conventional cancer treatments, tell them that if they want you to listen to them they need to know at least a little of what you know about cancer treatment such as what happened to good medicine in our country.
If you suspect that you subconscious wants to get over to the other side, you have to make your life rewarding to you spirit. Some of the things that nurture the spirit are volunteering and spending time in nature. Caring for loved ones seems like a good idea, but it can be full of stress. If you have cancer, you must find ways to reduce your stress.
"At first, I wanted to use “soul” instead of “subconscious” but then it would be a religious statement. I am afraid that I assumed that everyone believed that the subconscious controlled healing in the body. That was a mistake, , of course our conscious mind has influence, but I believe that the influence of the conscious mind is exercised on the subconscious mind."
Each and everyone of us on the Planet is an eternal spirit. That is not a religious statement. It is a fact. You can take control of your "subconscious" mind by turning within and practicing meditation. Meditation is not religious either.
Actually I'm "discussing" this now in the Christianity debate. Our Western minds have been so programmed by evangelical Christianity that we are just a body and that we will be "resurrected" in these heavy things that it is almost impossible to convince people of any ilk that we are spirit. If we are going to be resurrected in physical bodies like the evangelicals teach what is God going to do with infants and new borns? Who in the world that have lost limbs would want those bodies back? How about 90 and 100 year olds? I'm in my 80s and I don't want this one back.
In a meditation group many years ago I was taught that I was an eternal spirit but I didn't really believe it. I took classes with them because I learned that I could heal myself and didn't have to run to a practitioner in order to get healing (spiritual). After about two years of daily meditation I could experience all of my chakras and energy system, 24/7. I still do. Sometimes I wish I didn't, but recognizing and experiencing yourself as spirit is the route to change and spiritual healing and that's what we are here for.
"Finding your peace is mandatory to any successful therapy. Spending time connecting to the Earth and the wonders of Nature will strengthen your Spirit."
Great suggestion. Learn to be grounded (and centered) and you as spirit will come into your body and take control.
Grounding is a process that helps the body to connect to earth energies via its
root chakra. Because we are first and foremost spiritual beings the physical
body sometimes gets neglected. It is important to respect and care for the
"container" that houses our spirit during our incarnate lifetime.........