I commonly delete cookies from my Computer and EVERY TIME I must then allow the curezone to install a cookie, otherwise you can't use the curezone.
I think the second YOU paid to have YOUR computer on line, your name and number is KNOWN and YOU can't avoid it, it IS IMPOSSIBLE to be on line and be secret, your on an information highway created by the governments of this world and they may want to know what your up to someday and for this reason they KEEP RECORDS of everything electronic you have ever done.
You MUST get rid of checking and all banking, have zero loads, work NO PLACE and deal in cash only, in the USA we call this old order amish and even they have checking accounts anymore, so I know of no one that is exempt from being spied upon.
My's wife's relative looked up on my computer about getting a house loan YEARS AGO, Yet today I get a dozen banks sending me crap on my e-mail. I made the mistake of looking up a staples store coupon once, ever since that day i receive a 1/2 dozen such offers for coupons from the commonly owned wal-mart stores. I can erase all the cookies, use spie ware, etc., etc. and nothing will work unless you restrict such things through the server and this also means the curezone because their cookie happy as are all web sites/business on the web.
I assume these web site servers do this for one reason, to show how effective a web site is by knowing how many people look them up, I am sure this is the main reason for the curezone, these cookies track how many and they don't care WHO YOU ARE, the same as I DON'T CARE WHO looks at the web sites and I do not own the service and odds are they could not operate with out such things.
Naturally you have many people selling this and that to "fake" people into spending allot of $$$$ to avoid such tracking and I assure you it is all "FAKE", big brother has control of communications, PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone probably remembers Martha Stuart's little tax paying problems that put her in jail. In her trial BIG BROTHER was able to go back many years and listen to her telephone conversations and easily new every word she ever typed on-line.
There is no CURE for such a thing, WE ARE USING THEIR information HIGHWAY, it is not ours and never will be ours, it is BIG BROTHER's WAY of knowing what the people of this world are up to!!!!!!! We are like tadpoles in an ocean, if you become a problem to BIG BROTHER he will go back in your history starting with your schooling, your banking, your phones, your computers and create a profile that they can build to suit their reasons to lock you up or sue you for more tax money.
I suggest to all to "BURN" your computer and if you need a computer NEVER EVER put it on line, the same goes for your TV, use a new one for your videos and NEVER EVER hook up to cable, etc.
You know those bar codes on your wal-mart products??? Years ago, yes years ago Wal-Mart made those codes readable by your home computer and wal-mart had plans to have your products monitor their levels and tell your computer when you needed to buy more and wal-mart would then send you a coupon via your computer. Just as VISA/MASTERCARD now has implanted chips for those who want in on the latest way to charge, they put the chip in your wrist and it tells the store to charge your card, big brother knows everything you ever purchased with a credit card.
Big brother can back the cameras up and see when you were in the commerical stores, he can zoom in on your house or car and look at you anytime you give him an exuce to. A FUN THING TO DO, for free on line you can look at the home of any human on the face of this earth, just click in the adress and the satelight data history takes off and zooms into your country, then your city, then your street and then your house/yard/car. If your a real trouble maker big brother can follow you even when it is lightening outside, he can see you through a rain storm.
Thanks to the USA the country of Belgium was chip implanted about 10-12 years ago as an experiment to stop crime, I seen the PBS special on this the day the system was fired up, thanks to the USA tax payer big brother knew where every human was 24/7 and if you died, the data could be backed up and big brother could see who killed you.
40 years ago trout/salmon in the USA were chiped as minnows and then years later when they swam through the USA dams these fish were counted via computers in the water.
There is a chance we have unknown chips in us right now if we were born in a hospital or have been operated upon.
BIG BROTHER likes watching his "STOCK" as explained in the old HARVARD books and books written by the so called elite professors of this world, to to them we are nothing more than STOCK to be hearded and managed.
I think they waste allot of time, the average person is not worth keeping records on all their life, but once you have a NUMBER, your in their system. On the farm we put the number in the ear of every cow, with humans in the USA we call this social security number.
On line computers all have numbers, you can not avoid this as long as you are on line. There is NO SOLUTION as long as you use their systems.
My web sites are nothing more than information on their system, like putting an add in a news paper, I have zero control over the owner of the system known as the internet.
The day will come when you find a blank and only if you know us personally will you have contact with us, this is how the Amish operate and the ones we like the most. The curezone is a hobby that allows expression and we never know from day to day when it will all dissapear in an electronic second, the same with my web sites, i only made them to compliment this forum, when this forum is done with, so will be the web sites.