Hi --
I just started seeing an ND who did all sorts of blood work and stool testing. I came into her because I was diagnosed with Meniere's disease (pretty severe) and fibromyalgia but was only offered pharm options or surgery (for my ears) -- which doesn't work for me. One, it doesn't tell me why I'm sick, what the cause is and two, it actually doesn't cure what's wrong, just drugs you out.
I'm 40, vegetarian, eat a pretty clean organic diet with lots of veg, drink lots of organic fresh green juices, use coconut oil in smoothies daily etc... But the Meniere's has knocked out, or I should say whatever caused the Meniere's has knocked out my balance nerves and makes it very difficult to exercise. I struggle with severe exhaustion, too. Most days I have a tiny bit of energy in the morning and then am wiped out again and have to sleep for a couple of hours midday. I also get nystagmus, my eyes go into spasms and I have oscillopsia, which means that when I walk everything moves with my movement. Normally we have nerves that visually stabilize the world around us as we move. So if I'm walking, things are out of focus and moving up and down with my movement, or if I turn my head in a particular direction, everything swooshes along with my head. And I have bilateral vestibular hydrofunction, also apart of the whole Meniere's stuff.
I also suffer from nerve and muscle pain, muscle weakness, wrist and hand pain, I have TMJ and my jaw hurts all the time. I get sick really easily and feel like I'm coming down with the flu a lot -- achy and hot and exhausted.
I also have low blood pressure, which drops sometimes when I stand.
I also have bloating & gas.
Doctors told me nothing was wrong with me for the longest time, that I was probably stressed. Finally one doctor said I needed to see a neuro stat -- which I did. He thought I had MS but my MRI came out clean, no lesions. After that he was sort of like, eh..don't know what to tell you, something neurological seems to be going on but not sure what's up. He did do the balance testing and all of that came out badly, so I ended up at an Otologist -- which is how I finally found out I had Meniere's. It goes on and on like this with other doctor's for the other symptoms.
It took almost four years to finally get the Meniere's diagnosis, then got the fibro diagnosis but like I said above, only offers of crazy meds and no answers.
Just went to an allergist, tested allergic to mold, ragweed, and dust mites. Wondering how this plays into my symptoms. I also have asthma.
I'm now finally seeing a ND but she is expensive and I'm poor. My insurance covered the blood work and stool tests she performed though.
The blood work showed that I've had Mono, bacterial pneumona, tested positive for herpes 6 (I think this is what she said) -- which is why she diagnosed me with Chronic Fatigue. I'm severely D deficient, even though I supplement. The stool showed a major growth of bad bacteria and pathogens and she said probably
parasites and candida and leaky gut/IBS even though
parasites didn't show up on the test because of how bad it was.
SO here's where I am with her, with the ND. She told me to, for the next month to juice daily - greens and ginger, no fruit, except maybe a little apple, take digestive enzymes, probiotic, 5,ooo mg of Vit. D, drink Ultra Clear Sustain, and do a Rotation/Elimination diet, and when I come back to her in a month she would start treating me for the Candida and parasites.
If you've read all of this, thank you! What I'm looking for is some info from others who have Chronic Fatigue, Fibro,
Meniere's, and anyone who has/does have my same symptoms and what you've done/are doing that is effective.
I really like my ND and am hopeful but at the same time I cant see her endlessly. Now that I'm getting more information, I feel like I have a more clear path.
I have fasted a couple of times a year for the last 7 years or so. I've had this exhaustion, though it's gotten progressively worse, for 14 years! I used to think it was really bad but now it's unbearable. Does fasting help or hurt Chronic Fatigue?
What about getting my gut healed and getting rid of
parasites and candida?? How do you guys do it? Should I still keep taking the coconut oil?
I can't afford the Igenix lyme tests right now. I've had people with lyme say it sounds like I have it.
And what about the
Rotation Elimination Diet ? Where do I begin? And when does this madness end?
Thanks to whoever reads and responds, except vitamin C man. You already hit me with your schpeel.