Hi guys, first time posting here. Been following this forum for a few months already, but was always shy to post. Basically I've started taking
Iodine (Lugol's) since I have fybrocystic breasts and to add salt to the injury a few months ago doctors found during ultrasound Hurthle cells (sorry I don't have the 'umlaut' on my keyboard) in my thyroid when I was diagnosed with being hypo. They're not sure whether it's carcinogen or benign (the FNA was inconclusive).
I've read that selenium can help shrink tumours, and it seems to actually help as so far mine got smaller with 2-3 mm since then (that's one reason I've started now on
Iodine as well, to help the Hurthle cells shrink even more, and get rid of the fibrocystic nodules in my breasts as well).
Been taking one pill l-selenomethionine 200 mcg per day along with magnesium and all the other suplements that we also need when taking iodine.
Anyway to cut a long story short, my dad has enlarge prostate and I've been reading on selenium that it also helps with prostate problems. So today while talking on Skype with my parents I told him about selenium that he should start supplementing with it. However he immediately told me that it's poison. Apparently when he was younger (he is a retired engineer) he used to work with (and repair in his spare time as he is a very DIY person type) Xerox photocopier machines. Apparently he's been strongly warned that if the copier or the selenium drum ever catches fire or whatever to run as far away from it as possible as the selenium fumes are toxic and highly carcinogen.
I've been doing a bit of research online and it does seem that it's true, but I'm thinking that might be another type of selenium, not L-selenomethionine - or maybe the fumes emit very high doses, not mcg?
So my question is - can someone give me a bit of ammo for next time to counter his 'seleno-phobia' with something that sounds reasonable? Right now anything I tell him won't work. It's like this analogy. We know that mercury is poison and now suddenly they started to sell mercury supplements on the market. There's just noway in hell I'd start to take them when I know for a fact that mercury is poison for the body. That's the way he is with the issue of selenium.
Sorry for the long post, I do tend to ramble in writing...