Dear 2Tuff,
Thank you for your response. The only reference I could find for Richard Loyd, Ph D, was for a video tape from a Rife Conference in 2003. The description of the tape indicated he discussed the disadvantages of over-reliance on alkalizing liquids for cancer patients, and disadvantages of over-reliance on alkalizing alone, as a treatment for cancer. If you have other resources for Richard Loyd, Ph. D., I would appreciate your posting them on this thread, or providing a reference Link.
The link to Dr. Loyds' Video is:
In the post starting this thread, I posted a resource from which to obtain test strips. You seem to say that relying upon an 80% intake of acidifying foods is sufficient to be certain that everyone's immune system is in top shape. Are you suggesting that monitoring Saliva and Blood pH, by individuals, is a wasted effort?
It is possible that a true measure of the body's pH, and immune system functioning is given a falsely higher pH reading when
Alkaline Water is used, instead of pH 7 water. pH9 water is available in health food stores, and used by many cancer patients.
Is there any reason that any dangers of over-alkalizing cannot be caught by the weekly self-testing with pH test strips?
Also, from the 2003 Rife converence, a video presentation by Cark P. Taylor, M.D., is available, discussing the importance of nutritional factors on the immune system.
Dr. Taylor illustrates the importance of reducing impurities and
additives in our foods, to enhance our immune system functioning. Robert O. Young, Ph. D., repeatedly states in his books since 2000, his belief in the importance of reducing impurities in our foods, and minimizing the intake of preservatves.
Are there any articles or references that state that montioring the immune system by self-monitoring the saliva and urine pH is not workable? Are there any articles that state that the measurment of urine and saliva pH are not directly related to the effectiveness of the immune system?
The above post implies that managing 80% alkaline intake is sufficient for optimal pH. The books by Robert 0 Young indicate that flushing acidic sources from long term retention areas of the body is often necessary to achieve the pH of 7 to 7.5, and a healthy immune system. Acidity has been reported as continuing, even though the food intake is 80% alkaline for months. Herbal remedies for Liver, Kidney, Colon and Intestinal flushes have have been recommended by Young, to remove the residual sources of acidity which depress the body's pH and functioning of the immune system.
Some people on this Aids Alternative forum seem to take the position that testing HIV positive has no meaning. Is it your point that the Western Block Test has false positives? What percentage?
Are you seriously suggesting that HIV Positive individuals ignore their Saliva and Urine pH?
My pH has come up to 5.75, from 5.5, since I cut out meats, and started eating an apple a day. I have also been taking some Seaweed extract pills. Seaweed is thought to be a prime reason why the Japanese smoke more cigarettes than Americans, but very seldom get Lung Cancer.