I am taking 2,000 mg of Ashwagandha extract a day and having breakouts, and the suspect is Ashwagandha. I was taking this same dosage awhile back along with a several other new things to my system, and I had a reaction then also, so I stopped using them all including the Ashwagandha. I continued to take the things that i had been using for awhile with no reaction. Recently I decided to finish off the Ashwagandha. I remembered that I had discontinued it for a reason, but could not remember what the symptom was. I took it again and about 10 days into taking it, my body started itching. Ankles, feet, wrists, belly. There was no rash anywhere except my belly. At 1st I suspected scabies, but if that were the case, my partner who I hare a bed with was completely unaffected. We have been staying in many hotels lately and then i thought bed bugs, but again, he is bite free and not itching. I am not doing anything different except taking ashwagandha. i have finished the bottle and the itching has gone away some but not completely. My feet, wrists and ankles never had any marks, but I have red marks on my belly, possibly from scratching, possibly chigger bites but the ashwaghandha is high suspect. Symptoms are finally going away after 4 days of not taking it. I googled "breakout from ashwagandha" and pulled up this thread. Can't find much on breaking out from ashwaghandha, I only see good things. Just thought i would let you know my trouble, and that Ashwagandha is the only "new" thing I am taking. Both times that I had a reaction, ashwagandha was in the mix. I wish I could remember what the reaction was the 1st time around.