I am doing some salt loading, and I dont really take much
Iodine at all, but it helps me insanely to just take several kelp tablets along the day. Im trying to find my dose on
SSKI sooner or later, but right now I'm using kelp.
I really understood the importance of salt loading today.
I have been eating a lot of kelp and it seems that my body couldnt properly rid of whatever im detoxifying, but with a little salt loading, it seems to go through my urine and stools.
I got a bit worried when my urine started smelling, but then I started to think, that perhaps it is the other halogens im detoxing; fluoride or chlorine?
I just did a urine test on some paper, and compared it to some
SSKI mixed with water.
The urine smells more like chlorine to me, and the
SSKI smells more sour in a way.
Can this be correct that im releasing chloride through my urine?
I have moved from Norway to Germany a year ago, but I don't really know if they use more chlorine in the water here, but I seem to be needing more iodine. My throat basically screams for more, a couple of tablets, and its gone.
Soon, Im gonna start with sski or nascent idone, as long as this salt loading gets rid of whatever i am detoxing, because when this shit builds up in the body, is maddening, scary and painful.
First when I started salt loading I had a week of diarhea and fever. Something tells me Im very toxic, and I know I have a lot of heavy metal toxins and other shit too, so I need to be careful, my health is not good and energy levels are low, but idoine really gives me energy, i just need to balance it and find my dose.