I have tested deficient in zinc in the past, but cannot remember what the ratio levels were to other minerals, etc. i recently had bloodwork, which showed deficiency in things like Vit. D, B12 and folic acid (I have MTHFR), but for some reason he didn't do a minerals test for things like magnesium, zinc, copper, etc. i am now treating with a new doctor and am going to ask her to have these tested.
My question is, though I am now treating the low B12, Vit. D, take magnesium at night (which has helped my leg cramps a lot), I still feel Like hell. Any kind of physical activity causes anxiety attacks, heart palps, makes me feel like I'm going to faint, etc. I have the stereotypical white spots on my nails, often liked to low zinc. I would love to hear from others here who have low zinc and what your symptoms are. Thanks.