I'm sorry for not putting this on the
parasites forum, but you guys know more about supplement treatments then they do sometimes, because they are better with herbs.
I've been taking 1,000 mg of Vitamin C a day in tablets. I'm out. I have Ascorbic Acid crystals I use for my cosmetic reasons, but it says it's safe to eat, so I'm going to use that for awhile. I read Ascorbic Acid is unstable, and I have a 1-lb. jar of crystals, so I figure I'd better use it up pretty quickly.
I want to up my dosage for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is to treat
parasites and possible Morgellons. I've found that the vitamin c serum I make and put on my arms seems to draw these things out of my skin. There is one person who says large doses of vitamin C and salt help, but another who says borax works better. I've found that supersaturated borax is very effective at drawing these things out of my skin, and they seem to make fewer lesions since I started taking the 1/8th tsp. of borax every day. I'm sure the
Iodine is helping as well, although I'm only at 1/2 drop per day.
How much vitamin c is safe to take daily? The salt/vit. c protocol calls for 3,000 mg. My crystals have 2.5 grams per 1/2 tsp. I'm not doing their salt thing, because I'm doing the borax and the salt with the cos, so no need really.
Also, is it o.k. to up the dosage of borax to 1/4 tsp. a day? I read here that some people take a whole tsp. a day with no ill effects, but I also spray the SS borax on my skin, so I don't want to overdose on it.
Thanks for any help you can give me. I'm so glad I found this forum.