I still have a fasciola infection but I have been able to kill some of the adults successfully. While in 9 months I only had a series of possibly 3 kills it is something. Which I feel qualifies it as having enough merit to atleast be considered as an alternative, something that should work atleast once.
I originally spent a lot of time and resources running scans and stool tests searching for a positive test. Realizing that I have signs of
parasite infections simply was never enough to bring a doctor to seriously believe I had a fasciola infection. The impeding damage from the flukes and the pressure I put on the tests to get a positive result was immense. As a result I was left adrift searching for anything that would help. Trying to save my health and my sanity. I think Ativan would have saved a substantial number of terrifying nights for me and bought me some time, healing and much needed rest.
Taking Daxon, a.k.a. nitazoxanide (not the generic version) with Chinese medicine I feel is a strong enough method to kill the flukes atleast once. I don't believe it will kill the eggs but it should kill the adults.
I have taken various strengths of Chinese medicinal formulas. I think it is best to see a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor to see if they will formulate herbs to treat a person. I was given one that simply was designed to strengthen my organs while the antiparasitic herbs in the formula I believe to be Bing Lang and Ya Dan Zi. I have had formulas with varying amounts of these two herbs that are antiparasitic.
The first time I took daxon about 8 days later I noticed three white veinious tissues that I believe were flukes. My colony number was still high and the daxon honestly in my opinion isn't enough to kill the flukes as it stands.
After a few weeks I took the daxon again and on the 8th day added a Chinese formula to it. A very basic antiparasitic formula designed to strengthen my organs and treat parasites. I had ~15 dead flukes in my stool the next morning. While continuing both the daxon and Chinese I had ~10 more flukes the next day and ~5 more the following day.
So, I strongly believe if a person doesn't have access to fasinex, egaten, praziquantel, albendazole and other meds that this at the very minimum will kill the adults atleast once. When I tried adding a stronger herbal formula and the daxon simultaneously I didn't see any flukes. Although it was three weeks after the incident mentioned above and might have been too soon. The flukes from my experience should be vulnerable around the 7-8th day and if something strong is added at that particular time I have found it is enough to kill them. Very few and far between indeed.