I'm hoping one of the experts can help me out on this one. It is rather urgent.
AT present I am on 17 drops of lugol's (15%) twice a day.. which is a daily intake of around 250mg! BTW, I also tend to occasionally swish the mixture around for oral hygiene, more recently.
The problem (?) is I have at present 3 Titanium pinned implants, supporting 4 crowns.
I have had thyroid problems for the last 6 years and have had some success with Lugols in stabilizing this. But I still have an underlying issue with my metabolism (namely cell-permeability), endocrine system, adrenals and digestive system.
The questions being, do I need to have these Titanium implants removed? If so, what is the safest method? Also, can anyone recommend a good bio-dentist in the UK who is experienced in such procedures?
The reason I am questioning the implants is after coming across some pretty damning information, putting a whole new spin to my dilemma! Below is a list of possible correlations between dental treatments and my personal health over the years... is this just a coincidence? Am I making this out to something it is not? OR am I onto a probable ROOT CAUSE to my condition?
Had five teeth removed at around age 7.. going from memory! Started with 'migraine' problems and severe headaches around age 9 onwards to date;
Had tonsils removed at age 10;
Eyesight deteriorated around age 12 - hence short-sighted and received spectacles;
During my teens had multiple fillings (amalgam type);
Major root canal done (very painful!) upper left molar(?);
Major stomach problems at age 25 with IBS symptoms. (Found out I also had H-Pylori parasitic infestation, possible Candida);
Removed cap from the Root canal tooth in 2000 after x-ray showed a botched up job. (The root was in a zig-zag formation!) and re capped/rooted 'properly';
2004 - Diagnosed with Crohns, later diagnosis changed to Ulcerative Colitis. Was treated for a year or so and told I do not have UC but have hyperthyroidism (2007);
Had all amalgam removed in 2007, replaced with composite fillings;
2010 - had 3 extractions (including the former root canaled problem tooth);
2011 - started on Dental Implant placements. 3 pins (titanium) put in. 2 on upper left, 1 on upper right;
2012 - Caps/Crowns put onto implant pins. Note: 1 pin had to be put in quite deep... apparently near to a sinus nerve. (this is the same location as the original root canal);
ALSO see:
Looking at the above chart, my problem teeth areas (numbers) match directly with the Thyroid, Large Intestines, Shoulders to name a few. When I first saw this, I was gob-smacked! I thought "No way!".. but having looked at other literature and charts, it seems to be a direct correlation.
Now what do I do? Being in the UK, to find a suitably trained dentist for safe removal and assessment is a nightmare and nigh impossible. Can any of you advise??
According Dr Hal Huggin's immunology professor, "Anything implanted in bone will create an autoimmune disease."
Dr Huggins discusses implants and use of lasers for removal here.
Here are some others
If they could make an implant using our own bone (and not a cadavor's), then we could see a successful implant.
Stem cells is another technology that could give us new teeth.
I really wish there was a healthy alternative to partials and dentures, but stopping the decay is the key to keeping our teeth.
According to Dr Huggins research of Dr's Ralph Steinman and Melvin Page, keeping our Phosphorus level between 3.5-4.0 will eliminate tooth decay.
Parotid gland in the cheek releases a hormone, parotid hormone, which controls the flow of tooth circulation from the pulp chamber thru the dentin, thru the enamel of the tooth. Too low parotid hormone causes the tooth circulation flow to go in reverse causing tooth decay. It is dragging bacteria, toxins, etc into the pulp chamber and demineralizing the tooth.
Sugar causes low hormone and the flow to reverse and go from the mouth into the tooth enamal, into the dentin, and into the tooth pulp chamber which demineralizes the tooth--its not bacterial cause.
Dr Ralph Steinman in CA
Serum phosphorous levels indicate the balance of estrogen and testosterone in the endocrines.
When serum phosphorous is below 3.6 - 4.0 there is dental decay. The tooth circulation flow goes from mouth, enamel, dentin and into the pulp chamber.
When serum phosphorous is between 3.6 - 4.0, the flow of tooth circulation goes from pulp chamber, dentin, enamel into the mouth and healthy cavity free teeth.
Dr Melvin Paige in FL
To stimulate the parotid gland, Albumin (animal source protein) needs to be at least 4.6 gm, then,
globulin and BUN will be in the normal restorative function. Minerals needed are: