My mom has a history of UTI's. Therefore she tests her urine for
nitrites and leukocytes every week.
Around two months ago, she started testing positive for urinary tract infection. We assumed it was e-coli, and for a whole month were treating it with the usual supplements: apple cider vinegar, garlic, mannose, oregano oil, serrapeptase... nothing worked.
If anything, the infection was becoming more virulent and spreading to the lungs. The testing strip was now starting to turn bright pink within a mere second.
We sent her urine to the doctor for a culture and he informed us it was actually a severe case of Klebsiella pneumoniae. That was when I remembered
Colloidal Silver and gave my mom four
ounces (of
Utopia-Silver ) mixed with 2 cups of distilled water.
Within one day the infection went from extremely virulent to totally gone, it was truly remarkable. She went through a severe Herxheimer reaction for a few days and now is doing much better.