Thanks for the suggestion about the University. The closest one is 3 hours away, however maybe I can get some answers via email. I feel like I need someone to look at what I am seeing and tell me what it is. Once that is done I will let it go. Scabdragger may have been onto something with mite eggs but the size is off. The viewing size is 0.233mm in those pics, making the size around 80x150um on most of them. Mite eggs say 200-300. The objective is a 40x but I believe the eyepiece further magnifies to 400.
Yes those are pics from my sample. My microscope has a camera attached. I got this one
Microscopes are cool and my husband teaches biology so I thought he may get some use out of it once I am done. I'm on $500/month of pharmaceuticals so it seemed like a good investment if I could get some clues, ulcerative colitis is an expensive disease.
I'm a bit confused as to what Morgellons is, I googled and just basically got that it's some sort of delusional disease where people think they are crawling with
parasites and they aren't? I do feel a bit crazy lately but am pretty sure I've got most of my marbles. Here is a quick summary as to what has led me here to help clarify some things.
I was healthy up until age 19 when I went traveling to SE Asia. Came back with diarhea, dizziness, and covered with spots, found out it was psoriasis. Spent many years covering up and feeling embarrassed, trying various lotions until I got remission for about a year on vegan diet and UVB light machines with corticosteroid creams. The
Psoriasis came back though. I gave up trying to treat it and just tried to accept it. Just as I accepted digestive problems. 3.5 years ago my ibs got worse until I started passing mucous and blood and colonoscopy confirmed ulcerative colitis (another autoimmune disease). It went away on meds for a short while then came back while I was pregnant and have been flaring since. Anti-inflammatory meds were not working. I tried many different restrictive diets and supplements and managed to get some inflammation under control this way but not into remission. Last month I finally gave in and get the prednisone prescription from my doc, which is an immunosuppressant steroid that induces remission (with horrible side effects). Anyway, the thing that led me here is the Prednisone MADE THINGS WORSE. So much worse I've never passed so much blood and it was quite scary. The doc immediately took me off it to get me tested for parasites, C. difficile etc as she said I must have some sort of infection. I got impatient for test results and bought a microscope which I was thinking of getting anyway because they are neat and I have a history in science. I see these egg-like structures, they measure the same as the liver fluke which is very common in Thailand and explain many of my symptoms, yet my tests come back negative. Can you see why I am trying to get what I am seeing identified? Once I do I can rule out the liver flukes, but until then I keep it as an option open to me.
Anyway, there is my story, a bit long (and that's the short version of it lol). It may help explain my situation a bit though for those who are interested. If anyone else can think of something these "eggs" can be I would love to hear it! Thanks :)