Here are some stones that came out one day after the flush. (clink link for picture)
Seems hugely important to unplug the bile ducts if you hope to detoxify.
Here is a great two part video....which sounds like it is narrated by Steve Martin on sedatives.
The things I removed floating in the toilet look exactly like the stones in the pictures of these remove gallbladders.
Plus, people who do the flush note that after several flushes, the stones stop happening. If it was just olive oil and would keep happening every time, and never slow down
There IS some risk for the flush. But there is also risk for leaving them in. My mom had her gallbladder removed.....completely full of stones.
You can't have it both ways in one post :) There is either a risk of blockage from the stones moving....or there are not any stones and it's just olive oil and feces. Just kidding....but those two arguments kind of conflict. :)