Thank you so much for this!
I have eased up on the OCO and stopped the TTO.
What really caught my eye in your post was about the fibers being shiny. My skin is now covered with shiny 'hairs' and what looks like the outlines of worms(?) that are shiny also. You can also see the red outlines of what looks like larger worms underneath my face. My face is splotchy red and white. I stopped picking at it a while ago. Pointless anyway.
Some of the masks that I have done using Clews recipes have brought out things that are absolutely 100% unbelievable. I took some pics but then stopped doing it because it was too difficult with one blind eye and just a camera phone. Besides, their images are burned into my memory forever. My Dad looked at my mask last night and became a fervent believer immediately (finally!)
On the subject of Clews mask- it has brought relief, even if only temporary, to my legs and pelvic area. Sorry if TMI but I can't be the only woman this has happened to.
Unfortunately, whatever else I have with this has migrated to every area of my outer body and my private parts including inside my vaginal area. Black dots imbedded into my skin. Orange and red material that is small but certainly large enough to be seen- like grains of sand. I also now have spots that have appeared all over my legs.
I have worms in my nose and ears. Thank goodness for the Vicks Vapo Rub idea I read on here because it WORKS. Just be careful with the q tips to not go too far in. Give time between swabs. You have to look carefully but you can see them. Repeat as needed for relief.
I rub lemons on my legs. Again, temporary relief.
Epsom Salt and Borax baths.
But my face.... It literally 'weeps'
I no sooner wash it or rub a lemon over it (be ready to feel as if a wasp has stung your entire face) and more pour forth. You can see long ones leaving a trail underneath my skin. Those tiny bite marks all over.... Lines... My face is literally being eaten by these invaders.
These days the more masks I do the worse it gets. And nothing provides relief from the creepy crawly itchy prickly painful red raw meat that is now my face and neck.
I am in a living hell from which I have found no escape.
I even did a round of topical antibiotic. It's exactly the same as rubbing the lemon pieces on my face.
I'll search CZ again for facial remedies / relief but I remember making a note of Noxema and mixing in Eucalyptus Oil or Peppermint Oil - something to that effect.
Sorry to go on and on. I'm desperate. I'm now starting to cough stuff up. It scares me and pisses me off.
I believe I'm contagious and so I wear gloves and don't touch or kiss my kids until I get rid of this.
Thank you to anyone who listened to my complaints and ailments. I'm at a loss here.
If anyone has any and I mean ANY ideas, suggestions or anything that might be of help or might point me in a new direction I would be so very grateful.
Many blessings to you this day.