My freakin's doctor don't believe I have parasites. I have been having symptom for the past month.
I feel it bite me everyday. It hurt for a second that I have to jerk my body; it feel like a pinch. It's not my imagination because it does hurt.
I feel it move every time I eat papaya,garlic, taking parasitic herbs like wormwood,black walnut, cloves or when I am hungry
Whenever I brush my teeth or in the body position of leaning over the sink 15-20 degree. And whenever I drive in the sitting position it bite every time.
I am assuming that this tapeworm is big and there are also more smaller parasites up until the past month that there is now less room to move than the past 30 plus years.
I know its a big one. The only reason I know is 3 weeks ago when I have discomfort and movement in my stomach whenever I drive. Then one day I parked my car and I experience discomfort and biting. So I just thought I do a deep massage as well since my abs has soreness. I was massaging it deeply, and I might have drink a blended pumpkin seed as well. Then all of a sudden, I felt something unhook, unlatch in my intestine. I felt instant relieve, lightness. Like a huge weight had lifted over my shoulder. My mind was clear, no brain fog. No or low anxiety. I always had anxiety. I never felt anything like it in 30 plus years.
There is a specific are on the right side of my ribcage, near the upper abs, the feeling of something attached to it was gone. For the first time in 30 plus years my chronic shoulder/rhomboid muscle knots/tension went away. I had chronic neck/shoulder twitches/tic and I didn't have the tension to twitch to release the tension. My conclusion or assumption is the big tapeworm produce toxin, and ammonia. That toxin/ammonia causing me to have anxiety, muscle knots, brain fog.
Another reason why I know its a big tapeworm because I feel it in my genital and around my side chest. Most of the time when there is movement and sensation in my stomach, immediately there are sensation around my genital area. Coincidence? Does the intestine connected to the uretha or genital area in some way? We all heard there are tapeworm that grow 30,40, 50 feet in a human body. So how does it fit in the intestine if it's that big?
I can't get my doctor to freaking believe me. Even my stool sample came back negative when I clearly had parasites, cyst looking in my stool sample. The f%#king stool test is inaccurate.
Why do doctor automatically assumed if I didn't travel to the third world country that I don't have parasites. I always felt this anxiety and "hooked"in my intestine all my life. The only reason I know the difference was that one day when it unhook itself. And now the tapeworm re-hook itself below the original area. I feel the latched in my stomach clearly. What if I had this tapeworm when I was a toddler in Vietnam and it got big after 30 plus years?
Sorry for the rant because I am piss that I can't get surgery.
I know for sure I have parasite and a big tapeworm. My butt itch daily this past month.
I don't know what to do to get surgery
I want to get it out for me now so I can be anxiety free, chronic muscle knot "stiff neck" pain free and twitches free.
I am at the mercy of the doctor decision.
Anyone know the medical process to get a stomach surgery to remove the parasite? I know doctor don't usually do surgery for parasite problems. I want to cut through the red tape about taking anti-helminth medication and get those f#%kers out of me.
It's a fact that there are tapeworm at big as 30,40 feet in a human body. There are youtube video where they took out 10 lbs of worms. And before a patient have a regular stomach surgery, doctor check to make sure there is no parasite because that will cause problem once the stomach is open. So it's been said there are 20-30% of patients have parasite when undergo a regular stomach surgery
All these are fact and yet my doctor as well as other people I told eassume I don't have it.
Isn't it 50% I have it or don't have it? And yet doctor assumed I don't have. That frustrated and annoyed me.
Why don't they assumed I have it and try to find out if I don't have it instead of assuming I don't have it. Why the assumption I don't have it is more factual or real than I have it? It don't f#%king make sense? I am experiencing the movement, discomfort, vibration right now typing this.
F%#king doctor. I am just pissed because I am getting biten by parasites. The parasites release all these toxin that cause me high anxiety,twitches, neck pain. It makes me rageful and angry because I am being biten all day long. It hurt even if it's just a a second.
Sorry for such a long post. I had to get it out of my chest.