I had this real BAD. TOO much BORAX! for way too long..
I took way too much and relied on some one else on the Forum to do it for me. My mistake or was it?
I was so helpless on other people doing my Job. Maybe being young? or mind control? Archon + Demons? too much Fluoride, Bromide? Viral load too high? Mind control Virus? Parasites F.Buski or T. Serial Layer Head? Candida or MOLD? Disconnected from Higher Self.. oh the list can go on...
So many things it's so hard to point the finger. So i might as well to forgive my self and forgive others and find more of a connection to God, Lord, the True Father. It's really the only way you have.
I look back the past three years, what a ride it has been to get Health back and still trying to get their 100%. I see the Tunnel and that's enough to keep going regardless. Heaven sounds better then here so i don't feel like losing. Obviously there is a reason to keep going. So why not?
Earth is one tough training Ground to evolve Spiritually..