Yes, my thoughts would be this:
1 - Work on a vaginal two-stage approach, a "kill" phase to be done pre-menstrually and a "build" phase to be be done post-menstrually. This is best done for 3 - 6 menstrual cycles. You can also treat the vaginal thrush anytime and I have several recommendations for this, outlined in the 5th Chapter of my book called Candida Crusher, which was written exclusively for women with chronic vaginal yeast infections.
2 - Toenail fungus - this is a tough one, but when you tackle the gut fungus AND vaginal fungus AND any systemic manifestations of candida, it will yield much more readily to treatment. Apply 100% Australian Tea Tree Oil twice daily to your feet, especially the nail/s affected. Get several pairs of shoes, apply 1 drop of this oil into the toe and heel area 1x weekly. Take shoes/stocking/socks off often. Walk along the beach once/week in the salt water (yeast hates sun, sand and salt water)
3 - Tackle your diet, yes, fermented & cultured foods, and obviously a candida-diet approach. Take some quality antifungals.
Summary, you will get a GREAT result by tackling the problem both locally AND systemically. Concentrate on your gut/digestive system and take a high quality vegetarian pancreatic enzyme 2 - 3 times daily with foods. Probiotics make sense, so does eating fresh garlic. Hope this helps.
BTW, my book is available now online at, it has extensive protocols for all manifestations of yeast infections, and is 718 pages long.