In Lynne Farrow's new book, "The Iodine Crisis..." she describes the "boing effect". I remember that all to clearly. I started out with supplementation very slowly, basically because I did not have anyone to follow, we did not have the huge database of people that have jumped right in at 50mg or so... my point is, that I felt "the boing effect" with one drop of lugol's. I drank that lugol's sitting right here, where I am sitting now, in front of my computer. It was magic:)
Transposed directly from the book:
"Within two hours of taking the 50mg of iodoral, I got a sensation some of us call "the boing". My brain cleared as if the dusty unused rooms of my brain suddenly got oxygen. My thoughts grew sharper edges. I felt a burst of energy, thought faster and felt smarter even doing everyday math. I remember getting impatient with a store clerk because he couldn't compute three times thirty two in his mind. After several tries, he pulled out a calculator. Before iodine I wouldn't have even noticed."
My experience with the boing effect is in the archives. The boing not only affected my mind, but my body as well. That increased clarity and energy persisted and it's been the norm for 6 years now:
With that little bit I got a sense of clarity. (1 drop)
wombatRe: Hey, this stuff isn't bad...
PM wombat email wombat
Date: 2/8/2007 7:05:28 PM ( 6 year ago )
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It just came over me like a wave.
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Re: Hey, this stuff isn't bad... by UserX 6 year 644
This may likely cure your fibro.
Reply FCK TinyMCE