It looks like your dietary plan is similar to the mccomb's diet and the other standard anti-candida diets.
(What is the title of your book? and how can I read it?)
I tried these types of diets about 20 years ago. At first it did a lot of good for me. High protein and fat diet got me out of a bedridden state and stopped muscle wasting and it helped to keep me away from flour and dairy products.
I had a dramatic flora change after 2-3 days of this diet, where I was starting to pass impacted stool presumably from my colon - later I realized it was coming from my small intestine. So I thought that just sticking to the diet would eventually heal me, which turned out not the be the case.
Ten years later I Was still passing impacted waste from my intestines along with 5-6 different types of worms. I was brainwashed at this point to stick to a protein based diet, because I had initially had success with it - and my brain function was getting worse. The fat part of the protein diet was doing really well for me, but less and less the protein.
After removing my fillings, I began passing more and more large worms and the flora change accelerated more and more to where I was passing the intestinal plaque constantly. I went on an extreme high fat diet for some time and this accelerated things even more to where I was having 5-6 large bm per day of stuff that had no relation to what I was eating.
So along the way some things I realized at least for myself was that yeast was a relatively insignificant problem compard to all the crap coming out of my body. And within reason diet played less and less of a role in my yeast symptoms. Sugar never seemed to present too much of a problem - i.e. my appetite for sugar would wane long before I would suffer any yeast problems related to it.
Gluten was a huge problem for a number of years, but as my small intestine cleared out the gluten issue became less and less to where now I feel fine eating some or at times a fair amount.
To this day now 23 years later I'm still passing intestinal plaque from the small intestine with no end in sight ever. My current diet is mainly geared around how to get stuff out of me and not so much how to get stuff into me - which includes a lot of saturated fats, a lot of dairy products, some vegetables and carbohydrates for energy - including sugar which still does not bother me, over this long period of time my protein needs have gone from 2-3 steaks per day (which kept me from disintegrating) to 2-3 ounces of meat 1-2 times per week, The less protein I eat the better I feel. Fat is a different story, the more saturated fat I'm eating the better my bowels work, but I would have to eat upwards of 1 pound per day of saturated fats to help move the impacted stuff out of my intestines - which is why I switched to dairy products as they have a similar effect and are palatable over the long term.
So at this point I can't revert to any diet that in any way aggravates constipation.
I'm searching for help with gall bladder stasis and bloating in the colon. I can't see any way arond the small intestine issues other than to continue something similar to what I'm doing to help get the stuff out. It looks like whatever bacteria/fungus are in the small intestine now, which are undoubtedly causing problems, are also healing things by munching up all the stored waste. I can't see my way out of this catch 22 situation. Is it even possible to have intestinal health with so much impaction going on? I'm sure I'm not the only person with this situation either, but hardly anyone ever posts about these things.