Yellow stools are the sign of unadequate bile flow, due to liver congestion, stones and/or parasites.
Does the red ring appear soon after you take an antifungal, like coconut oil, raw garlic, turmeric...? It would help to know.
Sometimes symptoms can worsen soon after a coffee enema, because even if it helps cleansing the blood, it produces a release of toxic bile from the liver to the small intestine. Take 1 Tbsp of activated charcoal 20 minutes before the
coffee enema and see if the same thing occurs.
Regarding pure water enemas, I experienced two things: sometimes a huge relief from all symptoms soon after, but sometimes the opposite. I believe the second thing is due to the fact that toxins are being expelled, therefore allowing the body to fight better pathogens, leading to die off.
I found that the water PH used for enemas can have a different effect from one to another. The water should ideally be slightly on the acidic side.