Protein is important for the body in many ways. It is not good to call a person "AN IDIOT" because they have different views to you, pokermaniac. I would tend to disagree with your view that "everybody needs 0.8 grams of protein per kilo", this is like saying "everybody needs short hair or they are an idiot". Some folks do really well on low protein, some on moderate and some on high. After treating many thousands of candida patients for over twenty years, I have found NO evidence that keeping protein intake under 10 percent has any beneficial effect on reducing candida. In fact I do believe the opposite applies. Getting rid of candida is about restoring balance and harmony in the body, it is NOT about extremist methods - these extremist ideas and lifestyles is often what gets people into a yeast infected state in the first place!
And Sydney, probiotics DO work. You need to know how to take they, and when. They don't "kill" candida, they bring about harmony to your existing bacterial population and help to put the "squeeze" on candida. Beneficial bacteria like the acidophilus species also help to produce agents like hydrogen peroxide and even natural
Antibiotics like acidophilin which actually do help inhibit candida.