I am quite sure it is safe. Eye balls hurting while having a slight fever = par for the course.
As always, I suggest EFT. If you learn it when you are well, you never lose it, and might remember to use it when you have trouble. As Gary Craig always says, try it on everything!
meanwhile, take it easy. Lift your vibration out of the sea of worry. and float on (or snuggle into) a little cloud of trust. It's that easy. Just takes patience.
PS- I was quite fearful of
Water Fasting the first time I came across it. I was conditioned -like you, and many others- that a person would die if they went without food for three days. I had to read a lot--and I read the Bass story as one, and then a manual of fasting, by Purinton, which I thoroughly enjoyed, for his sense of humour. He seemed to really understand our neurotic modern minds, with their buried fears and guilts...
The thing that turned my mind around to where I could see doing a water fast, and having it be life-changing, and do-able, was going on a ten-day Vipassana retreat. (I meantion this only because it seemed like an impossible thing, but one I wanted to try) After that, I knew I could do it--IT being the water fast--and that indeed, part of the deep fear, ( and the symptoms of fear, which I think you've experienced: or what the fasting masters call "nerves") is that you are facing a shift in the paradigm--it's a huge shift, OUT of fear and mass-mindedness, and into the real.
By real I mean- the true.
Look into the EFT and teach yourself how to do it. You can get a free manual online. It works, and it helps you move past fear. And that, my friend, is WONDER-ful. It is natural, and it is approaching who you were meant to be.
Most important- do not force anything. Love yourself, love others, imperfections and all.
I'm trying to recall --- I think I did a three day wfast as my first experiment. I felt really good when I broke it-- only did break it because there was a rare meeting with a friend, and she'd made salad and soup, . . . I broke on an UP-very important.
I suggest try a few days. Then read more of the fasting masters from the Soil and Health library links.(do a forum search) learn the EFT and work up to the longer fast.
while you are doing that, you can do EFT on family stuff, and everything you can think of, to make yourself and the world around you start to shine.