There must be silica in prunes or else it is the boron because the study below showed that by eating 10 prunes per day, they could reverse osteoporosus. They also, show how the parathyroid is better at preventing bone loss and boron deficiency causes hyperparathyroid. My mom also, increased her bone density eating prunes for a couple months.§i...
I had dental fluorosis for years and asked every one of my dentists what were those spots on my teeth.
Not one of them could tell me I had fluorosis.
I had a cavity every year, but once I went lowcarb, high fat in 1997, I have not had a cavity since.
sodium hydrofluorosilicic acid (Fluoride) has absolutely, no benefit in the human body.
It is rat poison.
Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1999-2004 and the 1986-1987 National Survey of Oral Health in U.S. School Children
Dental fluorosis refers to changes in the appearance of tooth enamel that are caused by long-term ingestion of fluoride during the time teeth are forming (1). Studies conducted in the 1930s showed that the severity of tooth decay was lower and dental fluorosis was higher in areas with more fluoride in the drinking water (2). In response to these findings, community water fluoridation programs were developed to add fluoride to drinking water to reach an optimal level for preventing tooth decay, while limiting the chance of developing dental fluorosis (3). By the 1980s, studies in selected U.S. communities reported an increase in dental fluorosis (4,5), paralleling the expansion of water fluoridation and the increased availability of other sources of ingested fluoride, such as fluoride toothpaste (if swallowed) and fluoride supplements (6). This report describes the prevalence of dental fluorosis in the United States and changes in the prevalence and severity of dental fluorosis among adolescents between 1986-1987 and 1999-2004.
I don't have dental fluorosis anymore because I stopped drinking the water.
No doubt, oil pulling is great, but I just can't get myself to do it daily.
I don't think having the oil carry the mercury thru your body would be a good idea.
Maybe someone else can give their experience or you can try the oil pulling forum.
That is interesting.
There are parotid glands in the cheeks which trigger parotid hormone that is responsible for the fluid flow thru teeth.
Sugar triggers parotid hormone to cause fluid flow to from the mouth, into the enamel, into the dentin and into the pulp chamber and that is not the direction we want.
When our phosphorus levels are between 3.5-4.0, the fluid flow goes in the right direction, from pulp chamber, into the dentin, thru the enamal and into the mouth.
Since fat is broken down in the gut and not the mouth, it sounds like it would be better to swallow it because the body already knows it is in the mouth.
I should do it because I still have a root canal tooth that I am getting out at the end of april.