I'm relatively new to Auyrveda and I find it fascinating.
All my life I've been aggressively treating my
Depression with various prescription drugs. I was so afraid that I will go crazy like my bipolar father that I drove myself into suicide and near insanity a couple of years ago.
Now I'm recovering with the help of yoga and I have found out recently that I also have Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome which most likely is a result of my very overactive mind pushing my body beyond its normal limits.
I took some online quizzes to find out my prakruti and vikruti.
Vikruti is relatively easy since it has a lot to do with what I've become.
It is Vata with a strong Pita component.
But how can I find out what constitution (both physical and mental)I was born with?!!! I've been taking both stimulants and anti-anxiety medications concurrently for at least 5 years and almost every kind of antidepressant before that.
I lived my life so unnaturally that I'm not sure what was me and what wasn't:(
I'm really confused...
Or is it possible just because I lived like that for long time my vikruti has become the true prakruti?...
Can anyone please help me with this?