The monopoly people quickly learned to monopolize the medical and pharmaceutical industries using the same model as for the oil business, then extended it to include banking, and the food industry.
You're here likely because you're not feeling well, and its likely that it is because of the "food" you ate, or the fluoride in the water, etc.
And, your "condition" did not come about over night, rather, it was gradual, insidious. The person you once were, the person whom the gods intended you to be, slowly disappeared to be replaced by, the "you" that you now are.
For those who have de-toxed themselves using
Iodine or whatever, you have a problem.
The problem is, that we are creatures of habit. And our habits also changed insidiously along with the poisoning you experienced.
So. Now you've de-toxed your body and are feeling better. How do you change your habits and go back to being the person you once were ??
This is the secondary portion of the detox. I don't have your answer, but suggest maybe to think back to how you used to be, in your younger days and go out of your way to do things you used to do, that you stopped doing somewhere's along the way of your accumulating all those poisons. i.e., if you used to go fishing but stopped.... then try going fishing again. I use fishing as an example only of course, it could be anything. Ride a bike. Fly a kite. etc. The more things you do now, that you used to do, it will jog your subconscious self and I guarantee you will feel new. You may have to go out of your way to do this, it may take effort, but you will definitely feel the difference. Go to old places you haven't been to since before you became "sick". Work at this. It's sort of easy, and the benefit is immense.
It is springtime and the energy change of youth is here in the north hemisphere. Get out and do something young. !! Make love in full sunshine. How many people do that anymore ?