If the truth were told you are probably collecting from your lawn mowing customers in cash, not paying taxes on this money then paying that employee sub standard wages in cash so you can get out from under Obamacare mandates of providing him with health insurance. All of this allows him to not pay taxes too.
The rest of us end up paying his healthcare, foodstamps, and the rest of his entitlements.
Some day you will find yourself behind bars being somebodies bitch.
or is it just all about me again?
Go back and read your incessant blather. I is your favorite subject,
"Congratulations. I'm a taker now and I kinda love it."
"I want you young and stupids out there to pay for everything I do after 50 years of age."
"Eventually, I'll need stuff and even though I've built up a warchest of loot, I want you all to pay for me."
"I should've been a taker long, long ago."
"I have been in a constant state of "I don't care" and lov'in it. "
"Economy is crappy, but I hire the best for the least amount of money so it does not affect me. "
"Who cares if the deficit is going up each day with no end in sight. Really, at my age of 50...who the hell cares? I don't. Pay more taxes, folks. I'll just create more income elsewhere."
Well you go and hire "the best", and "pay him the least" and make your day.