Roll sorry just saw your ulcerative colitis post. This is one of the easiest autoimmune disease for this fetal hand position to put into remission, for me in like ten minutes, for the other sufferer, he reported overnight, twenty year hard core case , twenty bloody bowel movements a day, Tell me what your symptoms are and if you live in an apartment. You can buy some organic cotton balls at any health food market but its easier and very interesting if you have symptoms you can feel whether you can stop like the pain etc almost immediatly.even though you would still need to evacuate the already present diarhrea. Can you get somewhere where there is no electronic radiation, including a flat screened tv from the next apartment which totally abolisih this therapy up to seventeen feet fof some kinds, , the radiation from them, and just hold your hand up to your chin, like holding a micropone, dont touch your chin, hold hand reasonably still, nothing in the hand, one hand is fine, for an hour , or even for 15 minutes and see what happens? For me I cant wear any synthetic fibers next to my stomach,and colon so for this test try it both ways, with and without synthetic fibers, including no modern cotton, more recent than ten years ago, its GMO, but you might get away with synthetic polyester,or other fibers, not sure, just make sure it isnt nylon, if it works only when wearing that ten year cotton pants and shirt and underwear you would have to buy organic.cotton For this test if you dont own any cotton that old do it naked in your apartment when no adjoining apartment would not be using their flat screen, like if you come in late one night or everyones at work, including the apartment below and above you, , or just try it anyway and hope no one is using theirs or maybe they are far enough away, just experiment with this under various conditons, and let me know what happens even if it doesnt work and I should be able to make a further suggestion. Do NOT eat any food out of a microwave ever with an autoimmune disease, or drink milk or eat that powdered protein, all three tear me up beginning within seconds, You may have to eliminate a few other foods too that I can suggest but for this test we wont worry about that now. IT took the other guy a couple of dsys to get the best stool formation, but he did report overnight virtual remission, he couldnt believe it, after twenty years of failed drugs etc, he told me in a sepate email I no longer have. So please let me know what happens, I am almost certain we can get yours into full remission with a little trial and error . Thanks , Steve Lord