I recently took a blood test and my cholesterol is a little high and my triglycerides are in the 'high' range, higher then the last time i was tested. I knew it was because my household started buying bagels, which i love, and I started eating at least 1 a day (replacing the yogurt i was eating for breakfast).
ANYWAY my doctor now wants me on 100mg of Niacin to help these levels. I have tried niacin before, and know about the flushing, but I need to take it.
I have been on it now a little less then a week, and this morning my arms still have a bumpy, itchy rash (and I haven't taken the niacin yet).
Is this normal? I thought the itching, rash, flushing goes away each day after Niacin wears off. I don't want to have this uncomfortable rash 100% of the time while taking Niacin!