Hair loss >> usually candida overgrowth. I've had a huge overgrowth of candida, and when it was at its worse I was losing huge amounts of hair. I also had dandruff and itchy scalp. Candida toxins attack the hair follicles. The die off made it worse before it got better. Your other symptoms can relate to this too.
I had also a huge amount of worms and parasites, but they didn't provoke that particular symptom.
If you have candida overgrowth, you very likely have
parasites too.
You have to look into your diet. I don't necessarily recommend a typical anti-candida diet with lots of animal proteins and fats, because it is hard on the already compromised digestive system. Try to get carbs from sweet potato and jerusalem artichokes, raw carrots and beets. Keep your animal protein intake very low. For protein, drink homemade goat milk kefir and a good whey protein powder.
If you can afford losing a bit of weight, try to eat only vegetables for a week to kickstart the process. Even better, consider a vegetable juice fast.
Some claim they have cured candidiasis with a mostly fruit diet alone, but I doubt about this. Sugars feed the yeast best for sure, even without excess fats in the diet, but maybe the benefits of a raw fruit and vegetable diet goes past this issue, allowing the digestion to improve and the gut flora to win over because of the fibers, enzymes, vitamins and minerals of such a diet. Try what's best for you.
Try eating raw garlic, turmeric and other antiparasitic and antifungal spices and herbs on a daily basis, coconut oil and apple cider vinegar also. Drink a dash of cayenne with a bit of water 20 minutes before meals to optimize digestion.
Cleanse and support your liver with milk thistle, beet juice, consider even coffee enemas.
Enemas can be life saving. I've found kefir retention enemas to give the fastest results for candida overgrowth and
parasites in the colon.