Hey all this is my first post after reading these forums for a while. So Im a 22yrs old male the last 4 years i've been eating healthy. this last summer I went paleo and am now on a whole foods diet (basically I buy and buy only local fresh grown food). I exercise regularly and get a good amount of sleep and water.
I have done 5 liver/ gallbladder flushes the first three I got a lot of green guys and the third I got some decent sized ones. on the 4th one I got little tiny stones almost like lentil sized and my last flush I got nothing, just a iced tea colored bowel movements. Since this last flush I had have a sort of pressure around my gallbladder liver area. Sometimes it can be a little dull pain but nothing anymore than I just notice it. I have lightly massaged the area and it does feel a little tender. So my question is, I cant have a stuck stone otherwise my pain would be worse. So why do I feel sore and sometimes pain there? Is it that my liver/gallbladder is flushed and now working properly and flushing toxins out so sore from working properly or pressure from bile being to thick from the olive oil? I dont want it to be anything serious. I still have 2-3 bowel movements a day and I have been
juicing parsley beets and beet greens, ginger and carrots everyday and have been making a milk thistle and dandelion root tea as well. So any adivce? should I be worried or should I just give myself sometime and let my body fix up?