Not a doctor (thank god) and have no degree but have read others that rally had the disease and there us one common thread in it all. Cellular cleansing and alkalinization. In other words cleanse the body starting with the colon and feed it nutrition from green [plants. I suggest juice fasting all day every day with no other food entering the body. i suggest
Bentonite clay to remove the toxic filth that will be flushed into the blood stream as the organs start releasing the toxins stored there. Look on your tube and read view the story of Dave the truck driver that cured himself of stage 4 cancer by juicing. Also view videos from the life reguvenator. Look up Doctor Lorraine day and how she cured herself from terminal breast cancer, and how Jay Kordich cured himself of terminal bladder cancer way back in 1948. Pay little heed to these idiots posting nonsense on this board trying to sell you something. Any that have really cured themselves will be glad to share for free and tell you exactly how they did it. The best way to get started is to get a juicer and start
juicing and consume juice and only juice for days and weeks with greens as a primary ingredient.