Back in 2010, I had a SigA saliva test done and it said that Ascariasis Roundworm was detected. It was not a surprise to me at all, as my health is horrible. However I know Roundworm primarily affects the lungs. I cetainly do show signs of it there with daily asthma, chest tightness (heart checks out fine), colds go into respiratory issues easily, etc. However I also have a huge problem with digestion, i.e. reflux, leaky gut, bloating and pain, stomach distention, especially after eating anything and heart palps after eating anything (doc said from the reflux irritating the vagus nerve), pain all over the body, chronic burping and gas passing, dizziness bordering on vertigo, anxiety attacks, internal trembling upon waking and falling asleep, nightly leg cramps and twitching, horrible vision and a host of other issues. I wake up nearly every night around 3 am and am often awake for 1-2 hours afterwards. In the middle of the night and upon waking, stomach makes enormous gurgling noises which I can feel and hear. Lips are chronically chapped. Floaters in eyes, chronic fatigue, heel pain, feels like I have a brick in my upper stomach most of the day, wheezing comes and goes throughout the day, mood swings, etc.
Anyway, can Roundworm cause the digestive issues as well? Or should I look into having an addition parasite? Our dog that we adopted last year had Giardia, unbeknownst to us, and was later treated successfully for it. I've wondered if I could have contracted that one from her. However, I had stomach problems long before she came into our lives. My husband has also been deployed to the DMZ for a year, Iraq twice and Afghanistan, so I worried he could have given me something in addition. But again, I was sick long before he came into my life too. Thoughts? Thanks.