Yes, it says that fungal infections of the brain are not uncommon. The candida infects the central nervous system and then the brain and I believe this is what is happening to the majority of people that post here. This is why anti-fungals, probiotics and low carb diets do not work. You may experience die-off but the infection of the CNS and brain will never leave, you will just feel worse and worse. There is only one way to fix the problem and that is to repair the immune system. The body's own natural immunity is the only thing that can reach the CNS and brain. Same goes with
parasites and other long-term infections. The body needs rest, proper physical activity, no stress, proper diet, herbal support. The body CAN fix itself but we need to think in a whole different way, sure we know Western medicine is on the wrong track, but I also think most natureopaths and alternative healers and dietitians are also clueless for the most part. Ancient medicine seems to be the best that I have found so far.