I'm undecided yet about whether I will be eating dairy or not on my diet, but I would love to hear some suggestions from other doing Slow Ox. diet
Recipes you'd like to share.
Right off, I'm thinking one thing I might do is steamed veggies with a tiny bit of cheese in a rice tortilla with some spices and sour cream.
As far as veggies go, I know I can't have
Avocado (copper)
Night shades (peppers, tomatoes, eggplant)
And potatos
But all else - carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, bruss. sprouts, string beans, are okay. And Zucchini? Chards, Kale (kale gives me hives)
I'm doing a garden this summer, so it would be good to figure this out.
I'm confused about eating 70-80% of my diet as cooked veggies but also having to rotate? How do you do this? I just imagined, mixed steamed veggies a lot.
Also, I always thought I digested broccoli better when it was raw b/c of the enzymes. Cooked gives me gas and cauliflower I can barely tolerate.