I've been going through perimenopause/ menopause for several years and it has definitely made an impact on my over all health. I was doing wonderfully, then WHAM,I was knock down so hard from out of the blue. The cluster/migraine headaches returned, as did the neck, back, joint pain and yes, the memory and concentration too. At first I didn't understand why, as I stick to a good diet, exercise regularly and enjoy an active, healthy, happy life. Then, it became too apparent as the symptoms not only returned, but other symptoms appeared. So,I've been on a strict anti-candida diet, supplements for support, detox and rebuilding and am doing all I can to keep stress at bay and get sufficient sleep...this can be difficult, but I don't fret, as it will only build upon itself.
Good luck to's not an easy road, but bearable, especially if you go though it with a sense of humor and a few good friends! My best friends and I have some of the craziest, humbling, awesome discussions and talking about it really does help!