Hmm, I dont know other than to copy and paste each subject. Like the one on eggs. I mix my
Iodine in a fruit shake with raw egg yolks. For a test I am going to increase the egg portion.
What I like about this site, is the snippets of info; that one can easily explore if of interest.
"Egg Protocol
“Eggs are nature's perfect food, providing excellent protein, the gamut of nutrients and important fatty acids that contribute to the health of the brain and nervous system. Americans had less heart disease when they ate more eggs. Egg substitutes cause rapid death in test animals.” Weston A. Price Foundation
“A human study shows that Lutein is much better absorbed from egg yolk than lutein supplements or even spinach. Lutein in the blood is many-fold higher with eggs than spinach.” Journal of Nutrition August 2004, Note lutein is a key nutrient most of lack eggs is a simple way to get it
“An analysis of 120,000 men and women over a fourteen year period found eating as much as one egg per day did not raise the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke. Indeed eating eggs might benefit HDL and triglycerides.” Harvard Study 1999 in JAMA, Note I often eat four eggs a day and average well over one per day and have been for thirty years.
“Open the kitchen cupboard where vitamins and dietary supplements are stored. In America it wouldn’t be uncommon to find pills to enhance memory, protein powder for muscle building, a diet pill, a bottle of fish oil capsules, an herbal pain reliever, a natural herbal anti-depressant or energy booster, maybe a pill to maintain healthy sex hormone levels, even the latest pill that promises to fight aging. Now how would you like to know there is a “capsule” that addresses all of the above issues and it’s probably already in your refrigerator! Look no further than the egg carton in the fridge.” Bill Sardi
"Eggs are the only food known to man to have a protein quality rating of 100. They have every amino acid you need in exactly the ratios you need them. The white has every B vitamin and the yolk has every fat-soluble vitamin. They are an excellent source of essential fatty acids, and the hard-to-get brain and heart nutrients DHA and CoQ10. Eating eggs raw maintains their chemical make-up. When you cook eggs, the protein is denatured, the B vitamins decrease, and it may destroy the DHA. Raw eggs are additionally much easier for your body to absorb. A raw egg is absorbed in 30 minutes while it takes about 4 hours to digest cooked eggs. The risk of salmonella poisoning is very unlikely from consuming raw eggs. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that 0.00003% of eggs in the U.S. have salmonella. I have eaten raw eggs for 40 years and have never suffered. However, you lesson your chances even more by purchasing organic eggs." Doctor Al Sears
"Numerous studies have supported the finding that eggs have virtually nothing to do with raising your cholesterol. For instance, research published in the International Journal of Cardiology showed that, in healthy adults, eating eggs every day did not produce: A negative effect on endothelial function, an aggregate measure of cardiac risk or An increase in cholesterol levels." Doctor Joseph Mercola
"Eggs are another super food. Research has ended the debate -- there is no link between egg consumption and heart disease.[1]. Sadly, as Americans cut out nutritious animal foods like eggs from their diets, they were left hungry. So they began eating more processed grains, more vegetable oils, and more high-fructose corn syrup, all of which are nutritional disasters. It is this latter type of diet that will actually lead to increased inflammation, and therefore cholesterol, in your body. So don’t let anyone scare you away from eggs (and other animal foods) anymore." Doctor Joseph Mercola
"The Absolute BEST Way to Eat Your Eggs Is Raw, hands down. I know that many of you, especially women, will find this particularly difficult to accept. This is primarily because of the slimy texture but if you whip them up in a shake you won’t even know they are there. Raw eggs are better because cooking them will damage the valuable nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin, bioflavonoids present in egg yolk that are incredibly important for your vision. Heating the egg protein also changes its chemical shape, and the distortion can easily lead to allergies. Further, when an egg is overcooked, such as when it is scrambled, the cholesterol in it becomes oxidized, or rancid, and oxidized cholesterol can increase your levels of inflammation and lead to numerous health problems." Doctor Joseph Mercola
"Eggs do not significantly raise blood cholesterol levels when consumed as part of a healthy and conscientious diet. Better still they are a perfect protein source because they are rich in amino acids increasing your feelings of fullness so you don't overeat." Doctor Eric Braverman MD
"After reading,
by Doctor Michael Greger, I was stunned to realize the extent to which we have endangered our health by allowing factory farms to flourish and produce 99 percent of the meat, dairy and eggs we eat. Not only are dangerous flu viruses mutating because of these concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), but we are also being exposed to some other very serious bacteria and pathogens. Things have gotten out of hand in our food production, especially in the livestock sector.” How Factory Farms Are Pumping Americans Full of Deadly Bacteria and Pathogens
"The USDA defines “free-range” chickens as those with “access to the outside.” “Outside,” however, can be a field or a cement courtyard and has nothing to do with what the chickens eat. Commercially farmed hens are fed corn, soy and cottonseed. True free-range chickens eat a natural, nutrient-dense diet of seeds, green plants, insects and worms. I recommend you try to get your eggs locally. To find free-range pasture farmers in your area, ask at your health food store or visit
Doctor Joseph Mercola MD
"Dietary cholesterol in fresh eggs and other cholesterol-rich foods has been shown in scientific trials to improve memory in the elderly. In my clinical experience, any person with memory loss or learning problems needs to have plenty of these foods every single day in order to recover.” Doctor Natasha Campbell-McBride MD
“The evidence clearly shows that eggs are one of the most healthful foods you can eat, and can actually help prevent disease, including heart disease.” Doctor Joseph Mercola MD
"Egg yolks are the richest source of two superstar carotenoids—lutein and zeaxanthin. 1. Not only are bright yellow yolks loaded with these fat-soluble antioxidant nutrients, they are more bioavailable than those found in vegetables, corn and most supplements.2,3 While these nutrients have a reputation of combating macular degeneration4,5 and cataracts6 and supporting overall healthy vision, they have a long list of other benefits, including protecting the skin from sun damage7 and even reducing one’s risk of colon8 and breast cancer.9" Jen Allbritton, CN
“Ideally, the yolks should be consumed raw as the heat will damage many of the highly perishable nutrients in the yolk. Additionally, the cholesterol in the yolk can be oxidized with high temperatures, especially when it is in contact with the iron present in the whites and cooked, as in scrambled eggs, and such oxidation contributes to chronic inflammation in your body, which is definitely associated with increased risk of plaque formation and heart disease." Is it True that Eggs are as Bad for Your Arteries as Smoking?
"Choline is an essential nutrient your body makes in small amounts, however you must consume it through your diet to get enough. In pregnant women, choline plays an equally, if not more, important role, helping to prevent certain birth defects, such as spinal bifida, and playing a role in brain development. Prior research has concluded that choline intake during pregnancy "super-charged" the brain activity of animals in utero, indicating that it may boost cognitive function, improve learning and memory, and even diminish age-related memory decline and the brain's vulnerability to toxins during childhood, as well as conferring protection later in life." Choline In Eggs And Meat May Influence Gene Expression From Infancy To Adulthood
Eggs are a good food choice for people not allergic (See
food allergies Protocol) to eggs. The original egg research that showed eggs as being bad for your circulatory system was done using oxidized dehydrated eggs. Guess which cereal manufacturer funded the “research”? If you repeat the same experiment using fresh eggs you will find the fresh eggs have healthful outcomes.
As always eggs from free-range hormone free, anti-biotic free, chickens are better. Eggs from chickens fed flax will be high in omega 3 EFA (See Omega 3 EFA Protocol) but IMO don’t over pay there are more inexpensive ways to obtain your omega 3s . Eggs are listed as a good food source for many vitamins including every fat-soluble vitamin except K. The high cholesterol (See Cholesterol Protocol) content of eggs is not a problem as your cholesterol level is fairly independent of your diet. The high lecithin content of eggs keeps it’s cholesterol a liquid in your bloodstream. Eating your eggs raw or soft-boiled is said to retain the most nutrients, scrambling and cooking eggs may oxidize the cholesterol. I eat most of my eggs raw or runny and have never had a problem. The B vitamin biotin (See Biotin Protocol) cannot be absorbed from raw eggs.
Eggs are a perfect protein; in fact egg whites are the standard by which all other proteins are measured. Eggs contain many vital hard to get nutrients such as lutein (See Lutein Protocol). Eggs are a good choice for people looking to lose weight (See Overweight Protocol). The cholesterol in eggs can improve memory (See Dementia Protocol) in older people. In a test the elder’s own cholesterol was insufficient to improve their memory, but added dietary cholesterol, lecithin or something from eggs did the job. Lecithin (See Lecithin Protocol) improves mental ability including memory. Both cholesterol and lecithin are found in abundance in eggs and the combination is easily absorbed into your brain. Daily egg consumption can be an important source of many of your vitamin B complex vitamins which you should obtain every day.
Make sure you get a daily dose of lecithin and lutein; an egg a day is not a bad way. Try and eat your eggs raw or lightly cooked when ever possible; you get much better nutrient levels. I eat an egg or two most days.
Eat Eggs Raw or Close to it
"Eating eggs raw maintains their chemical make-up. When you cook eggs, the protein is denatured, the B vitamins decrease, and it may destroy the DHA. Raw eggs are additionally much easier for your body to absorb. A raw egg is absorbed in 30 minutes while it takes about 4 hours to digest cooked eggs. The risk of salmonella poisoning is very unlikely from consuming raw eggs. The U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates that 0.00003% of eggs in the U.S. have salmonella. I have eaten raw eggs for 40 years and have never suffered. However, you lesson your chances even more by purchasing organic eggs." Doctor Al Sears MD
"The Absolute BEST Way to Eat Your Eggs Is Raw, hands down. I know that many of you, especially women, will find this particularly difficult to accept. This is primarily because of the slimy texture but if you whip them up in a shake you won’t even know they are there. Raw eggs are better because cooking them will damage the valuable nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin, bioflavonoids present in egg yolk that are incredibly important for your vision. Heating the egg protein also changes its chemical shape, and the distortion can easily lead to allergies. Further, when an egg is overcooked, such as when it is scrambled, the cholesterol in it becomes oxidized, or rancid, and oxidized cholesterol can increase your levels of inflammation and lead to numerous health problems." Doctor Joseph Mercola
“I don't scramble my eggs, but I do break the yolk when I fry one. Is that bad, too? Unfortunately, yes. Since the yolks contain most of the egg's cholesterol, breaking them whether you're scrambling them or not allows that cholesterol to be exposed to much more air and heat can cause the cholesterol in the egg yolks to oxidize before you even have a chance to eat them, potentially contributing to atherosclerosis.” Doctor Jonathon Wright MD, Note it is best to eat eggs raw. When I cook one I soft boil it for two minutes. The yoke should be liquid with no coagulation when done.
"Dried egg yolk powder, a form of oxidized cholesterol is murder on your arteries." Doctor Robert Rowen MD
“If you choose not to eat your eggs (or just egg yolk) raw, soft-boiled would be your next best option. Scrambling your eggs is one of the worst ways to eat eggs as it actually oxidizes the cholesterol in the egg yolk. If you have high cholesterol this may actually be a problem for you as the oxidized cholesterol may cause some damage in your body.” Doctor Joseph Mercola MD
Cooking eggs lowers their nutrient content. Cook an egg until the yoke is hard and you may have oxidized cholesterol. You are better off not eating an egg than eating oxidized cholesterol. Raw eggs have the enzymes to digest ALL food types, proteins, fats and carbs; when you cook an egg you destroy these valuable enzymes and the egg and everything you are eating with it become harder to digest; this is why hard boiled eggs often bounce back in your digestive system.
Buy good organic eggs if possible. Even some factory eggs can be eaten raw; shop around until you find eggs you are able to eat raw. Many factory eggs give me a headache if eaten raw but I have found sources I can eat raw.
Mother Earth News compared the official U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrient data for commercial eggs with eggs from hens raised on pasture and found that the latter typically contains:
1/3 less cholesterol
1/4 less saturated fat
2/3 more vitamin A
2 times more omega-3 fatty acids
3 times more vitamin E
7 times more beta carotene
“In a 1932 experiment conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, breeding hens were taken off pasture and fed a wide variety of feed ingredients. When the birds were fed a diet that was exclusively soy or corn or wheat or cottonseed meal, the chickens didn’t lay eggs or the chicks that developed from the eggs had a high rate of mortality and disease. But when birds were fed these same inadequate diets and put back on pasture, their eggs were perfectly normal. The pasture grasses and the bugs made up for whatever was missing in each of the highly restrictive diets.” “The effect of diet on egg composition.” Journal of Nutrition 6(3) 225-242. 1933.
If You Have Cancer Avoid Eggs, Meat, Animal Products most Dairy and anything else acid producing
"All animal proteins including fish are highly acidic and should not be ingested when one is in a highly acidic cancerous state. The body cannot adequately remove the dietary acids of uric, nitric, sulphuric and phosphoric acid from the animal proteins leading to increased acidity and potentially increased cancerous body cells.
Antibiotics and hormones are both metabolic acids and can contribute to an acidic state leading to a cancerous condition." Doctor Robert Young MD
"Mucous is formed by the body as a protection to healthy body cells to buffer dietary and/or metabolic acids. Milk is highly acidic and contains a cancerous causing acid called lactose that breaks down to a primary metabolite called lactic acid. Lactic acid is one of the major cancerous causing acids next to nitric and uric acid from animal proteins.” Doctor Robert Young MD
With cancer you likely have a very acidic body state. Part of your cancer cure should be getting your acidic body state back to slightly basic. One way to do this is to AVOID all acidic foods. eggs, Meat, animal products to include dairy are all very acid producing. The anti-cancer Gerson diet is completely vegetarian.
If you do not have cancer of course you must balance the acid in eggs and other animal products with other basic foods to achieve a slightly basic pH.
"Arsenic must be methylated using methyl donors such as SAMe, trimethylglycine, dimethylglycine, methionine, etc. Some arsenic is bound to sulfur groups such as glutathione and excreted in the urine or bile." ARSENIC DETOXIFICATION THERAPY
“Arsenic acts as a growth stimulant in chickens—develops the meat faster— and since then, the poultry industry has gone wild using this ingredient,” Donald Herman, a Mississippi agricultural consultant and former Environmental Protection Agency researcher who has studied this use of arsenic for a decade. Please make sure your chickens are fed good food.
“The FDA has now finally admitted that chicken meat sold in the USA contains arsenic, a cancer-causing toxic chemical that's fatal in high doses. But the real story is where this arsenic comes from: It's added to the chicken feed on purpose!” Arsenic added to chicken feed on purpose!
“Up until the mid-1990s, little could be done to treat dying arsenic poisoning patients. Bangladeshi researchers conducted a three-month-hospital-based study where spirulina was given to 33 patients while 17 received placebo doses. 82 percent of those taking spirulina showed tremendous improvement.” How Spirulina Helped Save Millions from Arsenic Poisoning
Since the FDA has, criminally IMO, allowed the commercial chicken producers to add large amounts of arsenic to chicken feed we are at risk from this poison when we eat chicken and eggs. Making sure your methylation detoxification process is working well and you have enough methyl donors such as TMG and SAMe, is important to rid your body of this arsenic.
Spirulina is an important detoxifier for acute amounts of arsenic.
To Locate Fresh Pasture Raised Eggs
“Whole eggs contain more essential vitamins and minerals per calorie than virtually any other food. They're also one of the best sources of choline, a substance your body requires to break down fat for energy. In addition, eggs provide lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that help prevent macular degeneration and cataracts. They may even be the perfect diet food: Saint Louis University scientists found that people who had eggs as part of their breakfast ate fewer calories the rest of the day than those who ate bagels instead. Even though both breakfasts contained the same number of calories, the egg eaters consumed 264 fewer calories for the entire day.”