Hey Guys,
I was wondering if you all might be able to help me out with my digestion problems. I've started to read a lot of comments from the community, but figured I'd lay out all the details of my particular situation, to see if there are certain suggestions specific to my issues. I appreciate any and all feedback. Thank You! Let me first give you some background information on me.
I am a middle child, and was born with lots of allergies. My mom said I couldn't touch an orange without breaking out. Things like Tuna fish, oranges, peas, etc. I had a very hard time digesting. I was extremely allergic to milk, and most nuts (almonds, pistachios are ok), and still am today. I also had problems with mold, dust, and had asthma on top of it. My mom began reading and seeing many doctors, and eventually got us on acidophiles, chewable digestive enzymes, decongestants, etc. She straightened us out very well. I still had asthma once in a while, and milk and nut allergies, but most foods I could digest. She got us to the point where we could have pizza with mozzarella once in a while (No direct milk). We would then have to have to take it easy on products with milk for a week or so to get back on track. I eventually went off to college, and would still take my digestive enzymes, and acidophiles whenever my stomach became upset. They usually helped my stomach and bowels right away. I eventually graduated, and started working. One day my stomach was really bothering me. I held going to the bathroom until I got to work. Ever since then it seems my digestion has been screwed up (also had a car accident around this time, nothing serious). No matter what I eat, I seem to not be digesting my food. I do believe I may be eating fast, but it can't be just that. My left side feels bloated all the time.(only my left). It has a slight pain (bloating feeling) all the time now. After I eat, I become so bloated, tired and fatigued. Sometimes it feels better after I go to the bathroom, because I feel like I've released some sort of blockage. The bowels are mostly loose, and I can see my food undigested most of the time. Sometimes there also seems to be small red blood sacs in the poops, but they don't appear all the time. It's also hard to tell with the my bowels being so loose. I have had a endoscopy, and colonoscopy, but they didn't seem to find anything out of the ordinary. Also I was tested for different bacteria in my system, but they didn't find anything. My digestive enzymes and acidophiles also seem to have no impact on my stomach. My sinus problems seem like they have gotten worse as well. I am not a picky eater, and mostly cook my own food. I don't eat a lot of red meat, mostly chicken and fish. My fiance' and I also eat a lot of great vegetables, but the raw-er they are, the harder it is on my stomach (spinach, kale, beans, etc. are hard on my system). Also while eating non-acidic food, I can still end up getting some heartburn. I usually take some tums if I have them, which eliminates the heartburn almost immediately. Doctors don't seem to know much, as they suggest acid reducing pills, which I will not take. Also I believe my liver is not operating healthy. It was tested, and they found a non-cancerous hepatic hemangioma (I think). She said that is was normal and wouldn't cause any problems (I'm not sure). I know this is a lot of information, but I'm hoping you all may be able to suggest some things that may help. I like the idea of trying digestion bitters, but wanted to know what else you suggest. I have tried cleansing my system, and my fiance' and I also went off of
Sugar almost totally for about 3 months. My symptoms didn't seem to change. Do you think I could have some sort of
parasite or bacteria they didn't pick up the first time?
Thanks for listening,