""maybe sick people try to suck your health from you for there benefit?""
You uplift them with your vibes i think. Though i dont think they suck away your health, it isnt benefitting either and can be very tireing.
I have some of the same, where i work its always with 10 people in close proximity. 10 or more on 40m2.
In my case always the same peoples, so i,ve studied them and know them.
I feel my precence cheers them up, but they often make me tired, by their energy/thoughts/behaviour or whatever.
I feel that very clearly.
Also once in a while i have a bad day, then they feed on that and become 10 times worse then normal, and the whole setting is miserable and depleting.
Frustrating it can be.
It even seems i can think of stuff brainwise/power/, and they speak about it shortly after, even though the subjects have never been of interest to them in their life ever before, could be wrong on this one ofcourse but doubt it.
Funny how things work.