I am 35years old. I have 2 kids (ages 10 and 8) who have Autism, Celiac Disease and Tourettes, OCD's. I am currently staying home and homeschooling the kids. Things are stressful but always have been. I am healthy. We are (and have been for 7 years)wheat/gluten free, dairy free and egg free and very little artificial or
preservatives free. We just tried a Vegan diet for a year but that is when my hair loss got really bad. We take many supplements and have been doing biomedical with the kids for 7 years now. My thyroid is fine. My monthly cycle is every 29 days. I am at a good weight (125lbs) and exercise often (swim 3x/week and jog 2x/week). Hair loss began prior to swimming.
My hair loss is mostly at the side of my head. I take daily: NuHair Regrowth System, Selenium, Fish Oil, Magnesium, 5HTP, Iron, MultiB, SeriPhos (just started),
Iodine (stopped), Calcium (starting again). I also use Argon Hair loss Shampoo (just started), phytocayne hair serum, phytocane leave in conditioner. I have new growth but still losing hair. When I began the seriphos, 2 days later my hair loss was at a minimum. But it hasn't gotten better. I know I need to be patient but am I on to something? How long does it take to even our hair loss to have a noticible change?
Also, I started
Iodine because I thought that with the Vegan diet it was making me deficient because I try to watch my salt intake due to family history of blood pressure problems (I have LOW blood pressure) and when I did use salt it was
Sea Salt . I started
Iodine but then stopped because I got huge salivary glands and didn't know if it was the iodine or illness (it is going around). Now I am afraid to start. Should I try it again? Does iodine help? Is it normal for your throat to swell? We are now back to eating our "normal" diet and I am using salt.
My sister has a severe adrenal disease (with slat loss) she was born with. So adrenal issues are in our family. I have been tested and do not have the disease but of coarse I am a carrier of it. My mother was tested for alopecia but does not have it.
Any advice? What more should I be doing? Does it just take time? How much time to notice a different once you really start taking all vitamins, etc.? Are there certain dosages of certain vitamins that works better? Any help or information would be welcomed please!