Sean, bloating is caused by gas, and gas is due to the fermentation and putrefaction of foods within the digestive organs.
Nothing but nothing will improve the digestive powers as a water-fast, as this will afford those organs a rest and are thereby rejuvenated. The length of the fast should be sufficient to bring this about, and I would say about 20 to 25 days plus. Post fast, food should be properly combined as to place the least strain on digestion and maximize its efficiency.
It is also true that fasting will sterilize the digestive tract if carried out for at least 10 days, but replenishing the flora will be performed automatically during a careful period of refeeding. Your problem is not the flora, but the digestive power you have available, and which seems to be minimal, and the product of an enervated state.
A programme of graduated exercise post-fast and other lifestyle changes, will also improve digestion and prevent gas/flatulence and the bloating you are suffering from.
Eating from habit, and in the absence of hunger will also exacerbate digestive issues as well.
I only have two and sometimes one meal per day, and as my body dictates: this is your best guide of all.