Oh not liking the taste of water is not new....
I never have been able to drink it without lemon or cucumber or herbal tea....
Now that, that is all I drink for 19 days..... its getting harder....
I have reverse osmosis water, run through 4 filter systems. The membrain and whole system was replaced last month.
The water is totally neutral.
I have added some rice to it or a pinch of salt once in a blue moon.. just read it adds minerals...
I have not done this often...
I physically feel fine.
Don't even feel weak....
No headaches,
No detox symptoms at all... physically...
Emotionally I feel like I am being beat up.
I keeep telling my body to eat the tumor.. but its liking my muscle more...
I read everywhere that muscle is the last thing it eats after all the damaged tissue.. that is a lie
I am aware of what true hunger should feel like... I am not hungry... not true or fake!
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