Water Fasting to shrink my BENIGN tumor...
Its big and in a bad spot....
It is free floating in my retroperitoneum..
Im on day 13 of 30
After 4 days on juice only, I will be adding these suplements in the hope of reducing it further...
Apricot seeds (20 a day)
Garlic pills (5 a day)
Active green tea extract (6 a day)
Resveratrol (4 day)
Curcumin (6 day)
Coq10 (4 day)
VIT D and B12 (1 day)
Not sure about taking IRON... suggestions?
My main attacker will be serrapeptase and Vitalzyme
(20-30 a day)
I will also be doing the 13-15 cups of carrot/apple juice a day as according to gerson and eating all RAW diet...
LOW fat..
801010.. which I am very familiar with.
I am quite overwhelmed at all the options..
Just wish I could find a Doc to inject some baking soda into the tumor and kill it!!
If anyone has any suggestions... Id love to hear them!