I had lived in a room, at the same apartment, that was covered with wallpapers. I learnt that under these wallpapers, there is a huge accumulation of mold. But I learned that after being there for 5 years, I got horrible joints pain, very low body temp, severe dry eyes, hypothyroidism, Adrenal Fatigue, brain fog and more.
It got me pretty hard, but since the walls are concrete I washed that Mold and destroyed most of it. Afterwards I left the room to another one at the same apartment. At this time I don't have any money to leave the apartment.
I also have Mercury poisoning and a major candida problem. I'm chelating using Dr. Andy's protocol, done 16 rounds so far.
Is there hope for me? I really can't leave, but I cleaned over 85% of that mold maybe 90%. Then left the room, but still in the same apartment as I have just said.
I can't get any testing kits, I live in Egypt.
I tried anti-fungal supplements like Caprylic Acid, Candida Clear, coconut oil and candex. They work for a while, but my symptoms are still very bad.