Laser therapy sounds like something you have to get from an MD, which means this recommendation should go on my
parasite Support Drugs forum, IMHO, since this forum is dedicated to God grown natural remedies and cleansing.
I hear you saying that you have to do long term routine maintenance via lifestyle changes and immune enhancing in order to say free-
"I found that Low Level Lasers killed my parasites, but that without rebuilding my immune system, I was doomed to re-infested. Now that my immune system seems to be fully turned on, I dont need constant
parasite treatment, I just have to be sure I dont compromise my immune system with a bad diet or drugs or even foods that dont agree with my body. "
I also hear you saying "Most people in the USA dont have parasite's effecting their lives, there is a reason WE are effected while most of the population isnt, and I believe the reason is a faulty immune system that leads to
parasite infection, not the other way around..."
I would heartily disagree.
parasites are ubiquitous. Everybody has them. Some people have strong enough immune systems to feel good most of the time despite this. Some people have a higher tolerance for pain than others and simply don't realize what ails them. Some would rather die from a parasitic infection than come out of denial. I was told by a doctor that "Everybody has them! We don't do anything about it unless the parasite load is so high it becomes life threatening!"
I would agree that those whose lives have become threatened by them, have bigger hits on their immune systems than those who don't really mind carrying them around, and/or don't even know they have them.