A few questions regarding the big liver flush:
Since we don't want to eat anything that stimulates the liver to release bile, I am assuming that on the day of the big liver flush you shouldn't do a coffee enema either. Is this correct? I wish I had the answer to that. Most 'liver flush healers' abide by that, but Dr. Kelley (whose methods cured my mother in law of liver cancer), has a flush protocol with a CE in the early evening, 1 cup of heavy cream (with fruit) a bit later) and then the oil/citrus potion before bed. When I started flushing, that's the protocol I used and it was very effective (although sometimes I wondered if there was any bile left after the cream, because most times I heard the majority of 'liver sounds' for an hour after eating that, and barely any after the oil/citrus). I think the only 'right answer' is to use your own discernment...and make sure you do two CE's the day after the flush :)
How about taking IF1/IF2 on the day of the big liver flush? Will it cause the liver to contract and dampen the big flush? What about timing with the IF1 and the Citrus/Oil mix? Take IF1 earlier in the day with the last juice? If I'm IF#2-ing on flush day, I usually skip it the day of the flush (simply because I don't want to be dealing with all the fiber in the colander the next day). If you're using IF#1 to ensure regular bowel activity, I would go ahead and take it 'as usual'. A few small capsules of herbs isn't going to 'make or break' a liver flush - the most important thing is good prepping for the flush. Big liver flush every two weeks, no prepping OR do some prepping every day and then a big flush every two weeks? [Post by Unyquity]My first liver flush? After juice fasting all day and only having a bowl of cream/fruit, I was STARVING after I drank the oil/citrus, and I got out of bed and made a fried egg sandwich...and my flush was exactly what I see reported for a typical first flush (it emptied my gallbladder of a bunch of pea-shaped stones and sludge). 'Not recommending that, I'm just saying we don't have to be "persnickety perfect" to have a successful flush. What is the BEST liver flush? LIVER FLUSH 101 [posted by Unyquity]
Thank you! You're welcome! Have a great flush :)