hey everyone,
ive been checking the forums, and ive recently found out i have many symptoms of adrenal fatigue and thyroid, but its little confusing.
ive checked stopthyroidmadness and done tests at home, but im not rly sure about the results. i did the pupil test, and it keeps fluctuating, is that a sign of adrenal problem? i've also done temperature test, and my temperature is between 36.10 & 36.5. i cant find any specialist in this field around my area, is there any accurate and cheap way to get tested for thyroid & adrenals?
some people are saying that they had success with dr. lams protocol, is it enough to take supplements and get better?
could adrenal fatigue be a cause of something else? if it is; is it safe to do a bowel/parasite/kidney/liver cleanse while doing dr. lams protocols to eliminate other causes of this issue? could there be other causes? i checked out some websites to find out what causes these problems, but I don’t think it was too informative, and reliable – I mean we all different, but theres gotta be a deeper root for the problem?
some ppl say that
Iodine is not so good for the adrenals if some1's got thyroid problems, can thyroid cause adrenal problems and opposite?
is it possible to be cured from this or do i have to take supplements the rest of my life?